Our Commitment to our Clients:
Your health & safety is our #1 goal.
With the spread of coronavirus disease in recent months, Linda’s Daughter, LLC is certified in COVID-19 prevention measures. All staff members are required to follow these guidelines to keep our clients & staff healthy and safe.
The morning of a scheduled sorting/packing/unpacking/settle-in session, staff must take their temperature. If they have a fever (temp over 99.5) they must stay home.
Staff will not work while the client is in the room.
Staff will follow all guidelines at senior living communities.
Staff will wear the supplied gloves and face masks. If there is no evidence of COVID-19 at the client home or senior community, staff may remove gloves to pack items. Frequent hand washing and sanitizing is required.
Staff will wash hands often. Use soap & water. Wash for 30 seconds . If soap & water are not available, staff will use the “70%” hand sanitizer provided.​
Staff is not to not touch their face, including eyes.
Staff will cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue and put it in the trash. If a tissue is not available, staff is to cough or sneeze into their elbow (not hands) and turn away from any people nearby.
We are temporarily pausing hand shaking with all clients and colleagues. While this is difficult in a supportive environment like ours, a wave, a bow, a smile, placing hands over heart or whatever feels authentic to you will help convey your feelings.
If a staff member is feeling sick, they must stay home from work.
Staff will immediately notify Anne if they were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or to someone who is in quarantine due to possible contact with someone with COVID-19.
Staff will clean and disinfect surfaces often. Using the bleach-wipes, wipe down surfaces, etc. they touch.